Bologna 13°C


7 January 2020

From 7 December the Museo Civico Archeologico of Bologna is hosting “Etruscans. Journey Through the Lands of the Rasna”, a major exhibition devoted to Etruscan civilization.

Now 20 years since the great exhibitions in Bologna and Venice, the Museo Civico Archeologico of Bologna is presenting an ambitious exhibition project devoted to Etruscan civilization, bringing together some 1,400 objects from 60 museums and institutions in Italy and abroad. The exhibition opens on 7 December 2019 and will run until 24 May 2020. It takes visitors on a journey through the Etruscan lands and shows that there is no single Etruria, but multiple regions that gave rise to settlements, urbanization, administrative and economic models different in space and time, but all under the aegis of a single Etruscan culture.

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