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From 1 January, unchanged fares and integration with urban transport. The airport-centre road service continues until 9 March

30 December 2024

Unchanged fares and full integration with urban public transport: this is the novelty for the new year for Marconi Express. In agreement with the Municipality of Bologna and Tper, from the first of January the urban integration of 75 minutes worth 1.50 euro, introduced last year to promote sustainable mobility, is in fact extended to all Marconi Express fares and tickets, including paper ones.

Those travelling with Marconi Express from the airport to Bologna’s central station can therefore subsequently travel in the urban area on all Tper lines. The reverse route is also possible, paying with contactless cards and devices first on board Tper buses and then at Marconi Express validators.

In 2025, the one-way ticket remains €12.80, the round-trip €23.30, the Central Station-Lazzaretto fare €2.30. Families (up to 2 parents with a maximum of 3 children between 5 and 16 years old) will continue to pay €25.60 one way and €48.90 return, groups (minimum 10 people) €10.50 per person one way and €19.80 return.

Lastly, the ‘Marconi Express 949’ line with electric vehicles has been extended to 9 March, operated to offer an alternative form of transport, connecting Marconi Airport and the city centre, with its terminus in Piazza Malpighi and no intermediate stops.

The ‘Marconi Express 949’ line runs from 5.40 a.m. (first journey from Piazza Malpighi) to midnight (last journey at 11.53 p.m. from the airport), with a frequency during this period of one journey approximately every 66 minutes. In addition to the normal Marconi Express tickets, which include the 75-minute integration on Tper’s urban lines, the ‘Marconi Express 949’ bus also offers a discounted fare worth €9.80 for a single journey, which can be purchased online, at the ticket machines at the terminals and through the Roger app, by selecting the ‘Flex solo Bus 949’ ticket; the discounted fare does not include the urban integration.

In light of the use of the ‘Marconi Express 949’ line by travellers, Marconi Express, the Municipality of Bologna and the ‘Guglielmo Marconi’ Airport will evaluate together the continuation of the ‘Marconi Express 949’ line.

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Marconi Express S.P.A. | Capitale Sociale versato € 8.000.000 |
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Numero iscrizione registro imprese 02997301201 R.E.A. Bologna 483571
Sede legale: Via M. Emilio Lepido 182/2 - 40132 Bologna