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Marconi Express for the Garisenda tower

19 February 2024

“Let’s give a future to a millenary history”: the company Marconi Express participates to the fundraising launched by the Municipality of Bologna to support the safety and consolidation works of the Garisenda tower.

“We have adhered with conviction to the collection for the protection of the Garisenda – says the president of Marconi Express, Massimiliano Cudia -. The tower is a symbol of Bologna not only for its citizens, but also for the many tourists and visitors who come to admire it, together with the other beauties that the urban context offers”.

‘Working to safeguard the Garisenda,’ the president concludes, ‘means maintaining a strong identity that has been handed down for centuries in our city.

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Marconi Express S.P.A. | Capitale Sociale versato € 8.000.000 |
C.F. e P.IVA 02997301201
Numero iscrizione registro imprese 02997301201 R.E.A. Bologna 483571
Sede legale: Via M. Emilio Lepido 182/2 - 40132 Bologna