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Marconi Express: number of passengers from January 1 to October 31, 2022

16 November 2022

From January 1 to October 31, 2022 Marconi Express had 1,223,468 passengers.

In October, 139,506 people travelled with Marconi Express.

During 2022, the highest traffic was in June with 172,134 passengers.

In 303 days, from January 1 to October 31, 2022, the daily average number of passengers was 4,038.

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Marconi Express S.P.A. | Capitale Sociale versato € 8.000.000 |
C.F. e P.IVA 02997301201
Numero iscrizione registro imprese 02997301201 R.E.A. Bologna 483571
Sede legale: Via M. Emilio Lepido 182/2 - 40132 Bologna