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Monorail service restored

13 September 2024

Marconi Express announces that, at 3 p.m. today, a day earlier than scheduled, the monorail service, which had been suspended last September 3 to allow for scheduled maintenance work, was reactivated. During this period, the resin on the monorail was restored and other minor works were carried out, which were grouped together to reduce inconvenience for passengers and interfere as little as possible with traffic at Marconi Airport during major trade fairs.

During the suspension of the monorail service, the connection between the airport, the central station and the centre of Bologna, and vice versa, was guaranteed by means of shuttle buses.

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Marconi Express S.P.A. | Capitale Sociale versato € 8.000.000 |
C.F. e P.IVA 02997301201
Numero iscrizione registro imprese 02997301201 R.E.A. Bologna 483571
Sede legale: Via M. Emilio Lepido 182/2 - 40132 Bologna